• After a privileged upbringing in India's National Capital, Mr Ratnesh yearned to explore the unknown...
  • Giving up the traditional options of Job or Business, he instead chose to court the Lady of Fortune across multiple countries and professions. Developing a keen sense of Client's Budget Tolerance and getting deep into their social/material needs he found his match in Dubai, selling high-end cars and luxury sports mobiles.
  • Having built his first Nest egg in Dubai, he felt the call of home, and decided that he wanted to recreate the Magic - only in a tougher Market, and this time with his Solo Startup. Enter the new RATNESH AVATAR!
  • After a couple of failed revs and false starts, he has Masterminded the Property Management concept in India as a high-end specialized service for Luxury investors. His solopeneur startup - "ALLIANCE PARTNERS" aims to reform and re-define the Art and Science of High Ticket Real Estate Management on the Golf Courses and in the Private Clubs of the Super Rich.