How To Ask For Money?

Hello all this is Rajat from Startup Frat welcoming you to this video or 12 does not talk about how to ask for money how to get paid how to ask for getting paid from a customer potential customer clients whatever it is ok now why are we talking about asking for money for heavy talking about asking for money it is the best way to get paid it is the easiest way to get paid it is once you master the skill of asking for money in return for whatever you’re providing

Name obviously you can’t ask for money and dumb point the something that people care to give people something in return in order for them to give you money ok now very early in my life you know one of my mentors asked me what is the number one source of money that everybody depends upon what is the number one source of money net everybody depends upon and I was like I wrote on job business whatever he says there is only one source of money anywhere in the world for everybody in the world and nothing else there is only one source of money when

You come to think about it and that sources all the money in the world comes from only one place in that is somebody else’s pocket, ok all the money in the world comes from only one source and one source only I just somebody else’s pocket so whether is the banks pocket whether it’s your customers pocket was the governments pocket whatever it is OK it comes from only one place in one place only which is somebody else’s pocket right now this had an important you know this had an important impact on me sirf you watching me for the first and

Second time with you know you don’t know the background is added top 10 medical degrees and working in a what you would call a top-tier a job working and as working as a medical doctor in a government hospital and had some reservation there was some features and there were some items ever happening there was making me a little discontent discounted because you know medical doctors were buried under layers and layers of hospital management and medical instrumentation companies in pharmaceutical companies all of whom

That control the industry a medical doctor in that industry Evil was the worker and I did not like that I want to play a large role in the industry outside industry whatever it was I just did not like that the highest reliability and the lowest returns and the highest sacrifice ke mat my position I want to get out that you want to get out that position now before I move forward I will say this that literally all of my friends and many of my family are actually working medical doctors at the greatest respect for a doctors job and I truly feel that they provide the highest value highest

Sacrifice and we are we are all dependent on them personally I did not feel that in that situation as getting the best deal possible I really wanted to send the value chain and get myself into a good position selfish standpoint Wanted 2 best what was best for me ok animate a mentor and he said your home why don’t you change profession the narrow like well I have got this degree and I don’t know what else to do and people get a medical degree is especially from top Tier 1

Colleges and things like that your hope they don’t really change their profession because that’s what they have worked so hard to achieve and sometimes it also means that reinvention may cost you a lot many years and a lot of many choices and Lord many risks write any cut short my learning curve in one second any sad remember this all of the money in the world whether you work as a doctor with their lawyer chartered accountant corporate employee do business owner whatever it.

If you master that you will reach immediately into the top 1% of all income earners in society and it is not dependent on your degree is not depending profession not depend on anything else I was surprised that said that cannot be truly wise to everybody else you know working hard to educate themselves and no work in top-tier jobs in things like that is as well think about the world’s top 1% billionaires of millionaires and I thought about some from India son from

Abroad nice like other very highly educated the fun part was they were not Bill Gates the richest man at that point there was not highly educated college dropout Dhirubhai Ambani and that time he was he was still alive was start do you know was bus not very highly educated a lot of top income earners not very highly educated and they obviously knew something that I did not they have mastered the art of asking for money and providing value in return which is asking for money in a way that the get every single time and then they use all that money to fund

Innovation provide good value to the customer and things like that right Steve Jobs Bill Gates all of them had mastered the art Steve Jobs personally used to sell of Pre sell you know pre book ends of the iPhone the iPod and iPad Jalebi iMac all of these devices released by Steve Jobs few years later this happened before steel jobs came back to Apple any needed all of this but even as a big but I billionaire and a path breaker in the Silicon Valley industry fee actually you

ROM did the pre launch of its products which could be the iPod iPhone or whatever it would actually do the pre launch himself and he would ask people to go and pre book it for themselves in the product will not even ready so he had mastered the art of asking for money in a way that he got it every single time right so that’s what we’re gonna talk but not there 5 of 6 layers on how you do this and some of these are kind of society approved and some of these may not even be visible to you had all of these a legal ethical and modern if you master this are you a

Send this valve Liu chain you know you will you will have more choices in life a la mode fortunes and life and the fun part is you don’t need to be highly specialised don’t need to be highly educated highly experienced anything like that ok so let’s get started the first thing is asking for money with no specific value in return and the only value that obviously every human being has on this planet and many animals also have on this planet is offering their labour in return here for something offering the labour in return for money so you go out and you go and you say letters se I just call it UN specialised labour if you go and get a job you say you know I’ll do

Whatever you want me to do this pay money which means I am asking for a salary and applying for a job and I am saying whatever the job and tell them willing to do just give me the money I am skilled labour ok unskilled labour and then you get paid Euro money and then you have skilled labour

You can’t ask me to do everything or anything there are certain things that I will do in written form which you need to pay MI ok skill never you have money over here in some markets skill labour is more highly price and unskilled Labour and certain times in the economy unskilled labour could actually be lower price than unskilled labour for example if you are a an engineer who specialises in if you are if you are an electrician who specialises in these high high end Apartment buildings were you build all the connections the power backups and all of that

Chancellor you probably be highly more highly paid than certain engineers and and and lawyers and doctors probably in the same economy ok I have seen I used to have a yawn die ka would go there to the workshop to get my car service and I am at certain engineers who are being paid more than I was being paid at that time in the medical field for example rate so they’ve taken be highly specialised unskilled labour also helped him him in Dab load skilled labour so for example if you are a doctor light chartered accountant even a corporate professional you would be

Knowing that is there are certain times in the economy when the demand supply situation goes all all wonky at becomes difficult for law of you know even qualified professionals to get paid that desire desire tree so so this is kill this is skilled labour that’s why skilled labour also as to constantly upgrade it safe to stay on top ok but broadly skilled labour said you can’t ask me to do everything there is only certain things that I will do for you and broadly the returns a slightly better ok so you have unskilled labour you are skilled labour then you have product sellers ke

Than your product may cause of product sellers there their slightly better than skill level because they figured out the Deccan make something that the market is gonna buy without question they can make something the market can buy without question and then they get paid in order to supply that product ok this could be manufacturers this could be retailers have I come into is called commodity Salem commodity selling think about your neighborhood chemist think about

Your neighborhood retailer think what your main neighborhood stationery store Hardware Store at 17 chances are it there they have a decent store in a day in a decent location you know where there are lots of housing societies near by a something and they have a half decent reputation cancel they will never go out of business because they are supplying something that people need on a day-to-day basis and in return for that the get paid in the make a certain amount of margin seward commodity sellers in the manufacturers and retailers in the next time

You have specialised services in the next Renu has specialised services ok this could be individual solopreneur this could be small outfits to three men outfit this could be and tyre companies figured out that there are people who need a certain model certain type of service the happy to provide that and in return they get paid now this could be commodity services but things like a coder things like dietitians individual practitioners of any art yoga Studios ok all of

These are services you could please play services at digitiser you can think about urbanclap as a service you can think about magic bricks l service you can think about swiggy as a service all of these services which are also commodity services they don’t get paid for their labour they are not employed by you ok but they are there in the market the figure out the broadly the market near

Next point you have innovation services ok innovation services over here you have highly specialised is the individuals or services outfits Bichhoo Bichhoo God of paid to figure out if they have a problem that you can solve if that you and you will have if you look at certain the way certain doctors certain lawyers certain energy engineers or even certain corporate professionals are built a career just look at the difference between Dr Deepak Chopra and any other

Neurologist cardiologist psychologist that you have ok Dr Deepak Chopra and any other near colleges cardiologist psychologist at your that you probably know if you have somebody like Elon Musk broadly like in engineering and of personality but he’s figured out you know that people actually need to travel to space of people actually need to have a letter cards what he is

Doing is his providing the service which is this the space travelling service and things like that ok to have innovation services you have you have highly paid Gurus public speakers corporate consultants legal consultant company when they founded they get you know they get funding or something the first thing that go out and they find some legal service because they don’t know

What they might need so they won’t ask for legal services how can I protect myself legally I’ve got all this money and to start performing any to open up products in the market how can I protect myself so that I don’t get into trouble because I got all the investor’s money I want to make sure that I stay on course in not get distracted by doing something wrong or right to have high and

Legal services they will provide they will figure out if you know why you need them and then you have to pay them this is literally level 5 and the ultimate evolution is innovation products usually will find that once you have ascended Through The spectrum most people who appear over here there are broadly

Ascended through the spectrum and now they’ve reached level of vision where they can figure out what are the items which are products that people will need you to know in the near future and their creating this product slightly ahead of time so that when people needed they will be the dominant force in the market I give you the example of for example Apple

Actually, I give you the example of Elon Musk the services providing for space is an innovation serviced but the card that is manufacturing the Tesla car there actually in innovation in the product is slightly ahead of the game is slightly at the game figuring out what people will need before they needed Microsoft Windows Bill Gates slide they figured out what people need before they needed you got just pesos they figured out slightly at of time what people need

Before they need it you got Mukesh Ambani Reliance jio fibernet this figured out what people will need before the people knew that they needed and their product is the whole thing so that they can offer you this product of this service you will always find that people who operate over here are in the top 1% of income aanad Dhara society always always always a cakes in the fun part is when they actually reached over here it’s not usually a smooth ride because there’s a lot of risk is a lot of chemical or mistakes they did you know that did well

Before they needed you got just basis they figured out slightly ahead of time what people need before they need it you got Mukesh Ambani you know Reliance Jio fibernet this figure out what people will need before the people knew that they needed and their product is the whole thing so that they can offer you this product this service you will always find that people who operate over here are in the top 1% of income earners of society always always

Always ok in the fun part is when they actually reached over here it’s not usually a smooth ride because a lot of risk there’s a lot of them a lot of mistakes they did you know that did you a lot of things that make a lot of experiment that probably fail till the time they’ve got it all dia not what is INR 1 hi equal future just be a source could see into the future and said I am going to create a future that everybody will need and they will not be able to let go of it was the needed and that’s what makes Jeff bezos richest person in the world today same with a long mask and Tesla

Same with Mukesh Ambani and Reliance jio fibre now let’s talk about asking for money most people stay over here because it is easy to ask for money because you’re giving the control over to the other person ok giving the control over the other person I am here for a job if you are an employee me you know I am available you can get me to do anything the control is with the other person OK then you have skilled labour or a highly qualified labour ok MBS corporate professional doctor Zoya Chartered Accountants things like that they have slightly more control

So they say I am not going to do everything that you ask me to but here are my skill sets and if you you know if you can get me to work in your company to work in your establishment of whatever the skilled labour has little more their rates are a little more but broadly over long periods of time you know their rates over a period of time they will decrease with time because the market gets over supplied there is no innovation in this area you just following the train which is having

The markets and apply for a job I want to write the next latest wave ok sometimes times a good sometimes times are not so good then you have commodity production commodities services which are essentially in the small business owners area ok small business owner area and then at the most ultimate level u have any information product innovation service and usually finding innovation products are probably the richest people in the whole world Ok why is that is

Because they have figured out why were the future is gonna be before before the world needs it and when the world needs it the way they ask for money is very simple they create the need in a market where nobody else is supplying and then when they go to the market with that need assuming the product or service is highly dialled in Tekken command whatever price they won’t they can command whatever price they want that’s why Tesla super expensive no competition in the market Apple products super expensive no competition in the market in Amazon you

Might think I am in Amazon customer but they don’t charge you know the highest prices they charge problem the lowest prices yes but this day the terms with the command with the suppliers the more stringent than if you are an if you are an Amazon supplier in you want to supplied scale probably you know you have no leverage Amazon holds all the leverage because Amazon on all the customers ok so whenever you ask for money you have to provide value to

Write if you provide the value that everybody else can provide then obviously returns in life are gonna be mediocre ok if you provide value that nobody else can provide and chances are you’ll probably have to take a risk to provide this value to your customers and probably emerge as the only player in the market then you have pole position in that market now what does this have to do with you and me what does this have to do with the US the game is very simple 20 years

Back 30 years back of 40 years back if you wanted to play in this segment if you want to play in this segment you had to have access to a lot of investor money because it will it cost a lot to create a factory lost costell got to you know attract the right kind of customer attention so you need to have marketing budgets advertising budgets in it to build factory you need to employ labour and create hard products or services not launch them into the market so you need to operate at a very high level if you want to operate in this at this in the segments but today that is

Not so but today that is not so today what you can use today is the age of aggregation with basically means the biggest car company taxi company in in in the world which is Uber does not own any tax is the biggest hotel company in the world there PNB does not own any hotels and actually I am is supplies you all these products and services they don’t want any of these actually source them from and suppliers today is the age of aggregation if you understand Innovation and aggregation it could be in your existing field you can rapidly right through the

Ranks it’s not gonna cost you 10 years 20 years it could be maybe 6 months to 2 years baby 6 months to 2 years and it would cost of whole lot of money to do this what you can do today’s use very little money maybe few thousand rupees to test out the market and then get the market to basically pay you in order to develop a product and service get the market to pay you to develop your product or service and keep improving the product and service over a period of time 8 downturn in the market or down Tum in downturn in the economy is the best time to do it why is that because not to create production services you will need to get raw material you need to get rossal

Club factory you need to employ labour and create heart products or services in auto launch them into the market so you needed to operate at a very high level if you want to operate in this at this you know in the segments but today that is not so today what you can use today is the age of aggregation with basically means the biggest car company taxi company in in in the world which is Uber does not own any taxis abs Hotel company in the world

There PNB does not own any hotels and actually, I am is supplies you all these products and services they don’t own any of these actually source them from and suppliers today is the age of aggregation if you understand Innovation and aggregation it could be in your existing field you can rapidly right through the ranks of the cost you 10 years 20 years it could be maybe 6 months to 2 years baby 6 months to 2 years and it won’t cost of a whole lot of money to do this what you can do to days use very little money maybe few thousand rupees to test out the market and then get the market to basically pay you in order to develop your product and service get the market to pay you to develop your product or service and keep improving the

Product and service over a period of time a downturn in the market it down Tum in a downturn in the economy is the best time to do it why is that because not to create products and services you will need to get raw material you need to get raw services you will need to have other people create a united product of any service for you and labour is cheap material is cheap all the inputs that go into the business has super cheap on top of that the government is you know usually in a downtime government will basically get very very active and encouraging

Businesses to business licensing business accounting all of these things are super easy today to get a good six-figure business up and running probably a few weeks of focused effort and probably less than 50000 rupees and at the start of Bright Academy weep in helping people just like you and me to do exactly that within a few weeks with a few thousand rupees get a six-figure generating business up and running in some of the most innovation product and service

Areas in the country today fever watching this video anywhere outside the startup hangout which is our private mastermind community than what you want to do is your own head over to start a frat club/facebook where all the best training that given and you can get to interact with Me Alive sessions things like that ok situ watching this video any anywhere outside of the start of rat hangout which is a private mastermind community and Facebook you want to head over

To start a frat club for/facebook and if you would like to learn how you can make this possible for yourself regardless of whether your corporate professional was feeling a little AG with the changing market you are not so sure that a company your colleagues bosses will watch out for your financial future or you are as doctor chartered accountant like a certified professional who is lost in an ocean of other doctors lawyers Chartered Accountants and Architects you want to get out that situation creates and uniqueness for yourself just like doctor Deepak Chopra you

Know he is separate and you know all the others a separate or you are a small business owner who are sick and tired of Getting their business impact every time they zeb and every time does a riot every time does a lock down your your business is the first to go down your business with the first that a government forcibly shuts down you want to get out that situation I want I would like you to do is your I want to do head over to Staff at the club/product staff club for slash product that were recorded masterclass which shows you how you can utilise existing products and services in the market are you

Marketing and not talking about anything like that documented innovation product or service that you can build based on your experience in a market of your choice leverage in product packaging and cyber marketing as your weapons so if this idea and Treasure want you to head over to start a practice club for slash product and watch our mask for free masterclass on how

You can do this for yourself how certain people from the staff at Academy I’ve been able to do it for themselves is 12 if you like this video you have some comments or something just make sure that you put them in the comments below and I shall see you in the next video bye.

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